The Curse of Starbucks Gift Cards

Last night’s event was for a dance studio. I was to throw a raving dance floor from 8pm - 10pm. Right at 8pm, the studio’s leader announced he’d be leading some games in another room where the dancers could win $25 Starbucks gift cards. Those girls ran to that room as quick as they could, and I was left with an empty dance floor.

At weddings, you should be conscious to not clear your dance floor. For example, if you’re having a summer wedding and it could be nice outside, you may find yourself wanting to set up outside games, a bonfire, and some music. You will be pulling energy and focus away from the dance floor. It’s okay if that’s what you want, but communicate that with your DJ. Perhaps make sure the dance floor is tiny so a smaller group of dancers feel comfortable.

Since photographers ofter leave shortly after the main dancing starts, you may want to do a fake sparkler exit while they’re still there. Again, this can disrupt the dance floor energy significantly.

Mike McMint Entertainment