Rushing the Recessional

Brides, don’t rush back down the aisle right after the officiant says, “It is my honor to introduce to you for the first time as Husband and Wife, Mr and Mrs ___!” If you do, you’re out of site before the recessional song even starts.

One simple solution is to remain standing on the alter for 5-10 seconds before walking back down the aisle. Hold your husband’s hand, look around at the guests and take in the moment, and maybe even go for another kiss (guests will hoot and holler again even louder).

But what’s better? Start the music (softly) about 10 seconds before the officiant announces you, “Mr and Mrs ___!” Allow the song to build up before the cheering starts.

Another tip, consider having the officiant finish this way, ““It is my honor to introduce to you for the first time as Husband and Wife, Mr and Mrs ___, you may now kiss the bride!” Typically the kissing happens before you’re announced as Husband and Wife. I think it feels more natural to save the kissing till the end.

Everyone cheers as the song crescendos and you kiss, you wait and take in the moment, and only then do you make your way down the aisle.