Posts tagged ne ohio dj
Clean Up After Your Wedding?

A half hour before our wedding ended, my wife and I tried to sneak out. Our family and friends decorated our car, so there was no hiding our exit.

I feel bad when seeing couples staying afterwards to help clean up. It’s your day! Feel entitled to leave if possible, and if you want to. Go start life with your partner… consummate the marriage, reminisce about the day, get excited about the honeymoon; don’t start it by emptying trash cans.

Has Your Groom Wore Suits Before?

Some grooms look so sharp, while others don’t.

Multiple things could be wrong:

  • Dress shirt becomes untucked (or was never fully tucked in to begin with)

  • Jacket, pants or shit is too big

  • Tie is too loose (not tied properly)

  • Tie or suit is out of fashion (chosen because it was on sale at Men’s Warehouse)

Ask yourself. Has my fiancé ever worn a suit before? In the past, men wore suits all the time. But if your wedding day is the first time he dons a tie, consider getting in some practice beforehand.

Have him try a few different suit styles so he’s comfortable in a slim-fit or tailored suit. Shop around to find a tie that’s newer looking than paisley. If you go, start dressing up for church during your engagement, or dress up for some fancy dates.

Dressing well takes time to learn what’s fashionable and find nice pieces that fit well. Don’t assume one visit to the college kid working at David’s Bridal will be enough. Spend time on this during your engagement.

Be a Particular Bride

Go onto TikTok and find the most epic way to walk down the aisle!

I had one Bride recently who planned out her walk perfectly. She played an instrumental version of a song while her family & bridal party walked in. Then the song switched to the normal version with words. She timed it so when she got to the end of the aisle, the song gave mention to her parents; she subtly gave them attention at this point (a sign of appreciation for getting her to this point in life) as her father then handed her off to the Groom. The song then played just long enough for her and her fiancé to take center stage as a bridesmaid fixed her dress (which was practiced more than once).

She knew exactly what she wanted, and I thought every detail was beautiful.

The Drunk Guy Fell Down the Hill, Before the Ceremony

He was drunk! The bar wasn’t opened yet, and the ceremony was still one hour away. Where was he getting his alcohol from? He kept retrieving beers from the back of his truck.

What’s the problem here? Yes, he may be a distraction during the ceremony and reception, but also he’s a liability. The venue can get in big trouble if he drives drunk and kills someone; he may lie and say the venue served him and didn’t cut him off.

The bar tender noticed this man was drunk, and went out to confront him. “You need to stop, this venue could face financial ruin for your actions. You cannot be here if you’re going to act in this manner”.

The venue and bartender were absolutely right to do this. I suggest maybe putting some groomsmen or uncles in charge of keeping the peace if you know some guests may get out of hand.

Buy Him a “Fat” Ring

Since I bought my ring off of Amazon for $14, I decided to get an extra one (one size bigger) in case I got fat. Fortunately I haven’t needed it yet.

I tested out a silver ring; it got scratched up immediately. Then I got a tungsten carbide ring from Amazon, and almost seven years later, it still looks new.

It’s just silly how much some things cost just because they’re associated with weddings. The ring doesn’t make me love my wife, but I will always wear it because I’ll love her till the day I die.

The Non-Tacky Money Dance

You might feel weird asking others for money. Nowadays, some couples wait till they’re older to marry. They have worked and saved, and can take care of themselves. They’re not 19 with no savings and no plates.

In my experience, couples aren’t making that much money off the Money Dance (also called Dollar Dance). Realistically, it’s just a fun time to connect with each guest. You might have an aunt who’s slightly timid; she may want to talk with you, but not want to fight off the hoards of others preening for your attention. The Money Dance is a great time for her to connect with you one-on-one. That can mean a lot to some family members. When announcing this dance, I always focus on the connection aspect. “Come share a quick moment with the Bride and Groom”. Then it feels less tacky, and more about the connections and relationships.