Posts tagged wedding finance tips
Pay For Your Wedding in Cash

Also buy your house in cash. Haha, it sounds like I’m joking, but this is what my wife and I did.

I’m going to put this out there, because no one else will tell you this. You can get out of debt faster than you thought possible. You can get rid of your credit cards. You can never have a car payment again. And you can live without regret that you just put your honeymoon on a credit card.

In my humble opinion, you don’t want to start out a marriage worried about money. But, many couples do. They let their wedding spending get out of control simply because it’s their big day, so they justify foolishness in their heads.

We as humans do this all the time, we convince ourselves it’s okay to do something that is actually harmful to ourselves; I do this everyday with cookies and beer.

Money is such a personal topic to people, maybe because of shame. It’s easy to look at Instagram and think everyone else must be doing great with money, “Why am I not?”

From personal experience, don’t try to impress others with a big wedding, a super nice car, and the biggest ring. Focus on serving others, smiling, and being so grateful for the life and family members you do have.